why give?
Gifts of all sizes can make a positive difference in the lives of Vintage students and the greater community. In fact, the generosity of our community made it possible for the VHSAA to give scholarships to the above students in 2015 - the first year of our scholarship campaign. We look forward to partnering with you and making a difference in the years to come by awarding scholarships to select graduates, helping them achieve their dreams. How can you make a difference? Give.
how to give
Credit card (use Gofundme or Paypal) or personal check can be used to make a donation.
Become lifetime Association Member by filling out the member application form and giving a one-time $25 fee.
Become a lifetime Association Member by filling out the member application form, give a one-time $25 fee and add a donation amount of your choice.
Give as a non-member in any denomination you desire.
Personal Check:
To make a donation by personal check, print out and complete this form. Include your check made payable to VHSAA and mail to:
Vintage High School Alumni Association
P.O. Box 3053
Napa, CA 94558
Thank you for your generous support
Scholarship FAQs
Q: How do Vintage students apply for a scholarship?
A: Vintage High School has a general scholarship application which must be filled out. Students are made aware of the application in the first half of their senior year.
Q: Are the scholarships only for college or are they for trade schools as well?
A: Scholarships are for the furthering of education after high school. They can go to any student pursuing higher education - whether trade school or college.
Q: How are scholarship recipients selected?
A: The selection committee for scholarships consists of a small group of Alumni Association members and staff at Vintage High School. VHSAA Board Members are not part of the selection committee. Minimal requirements for a student to be selected are that the student has a parent or grandparent who is an alum.
Message from a scholarship recipient